How to Stay Safe from Dengue Fever

Always use a mosquito repellent : The use of insect-repellent lotions is the most effective method of preventing dengue disease.

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Keep indoors safe : To prevent mosquitoes from entering a window, use air conditioning or window screens.

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Cover as much as possible : Wear long sleeves, long pants, socks, and shoes whenever you're outside in an area where there are mosquitoes avoid wearing slippers.

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Stay indoors during active hours : Although mosquitoes might attack at any period of the day, it's best to avoid being outside when they're actively feeding.

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Keep your surroundings clean : Keep your home spotless and organised. Avoid keeping clutter within and outside the home.

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Eliminate standing water near you : Mosquitoes can spawn in just 14 days in a small quantity of water in an old potted plant, a rain drain, or any other stagnant water area.

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Eliminate standing water near you : Mosquitoes can spawn in just 14 days in a small quantity of water in an old potted plant, a rain drain, or any other stagnant water area.

Image source: Google

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