Tips for mastering time management at work

Stick to a daily schedule : Go beyond “I have eight hours to do XYZ.” Create a daily schedule with allotted time blocks for different tasks.

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Know how you’re spending your time : You have to track what you’re actually spending your time on to reveal any areas or habits.

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Learn when to say no : We have only so much energy in a day, and it wanes with the hours. To avoid half-baked work, know your limits and be willing to say no.

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Batch-process similar tasks : Batching, or batch processing, means grouping similar tasks so you can work on them together.

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Avoid multitasking : The science is clear on multitasking: It cuts efficiency and can even be dangerous.

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Prioritize : To-do lists can be productivity lifesavers. But if you’re not careful, they can get so big and overwhelming that you don’t know where to start.

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Tackle the most difficult task first : Distractions happen to all of us, whether it’s a phone call, a favor from a colleague or that pile of dirty dishes.

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