8 Ways You Can Stop Your Child From junk food

Provide him with healthy and filling snacks :  Apple slices with a peanut butter dip, carrot sticks with yoghurt, and dry fruits and nuts.

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Do the positive marketing yourself : It’s not really possible for you to shield your child from ads and offers completely.

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Be a good role model for your child : If your kid sees you munching on anything you please especially after labelling it ‘evil’ for him.

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Follow a set routine for meal times : While eating three meals a day should be the standard routine in any household.

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Don’t use junk food as a bribe : He’ll end up thinking that such foods are okay to eat as long as he acts like a good boy.

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Make sure your child stays well-hydrated : it’s not really hunger that motivates your child to get a snack – it could even be just boredom.

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Filter out sugar from his snacks : The more refined sugar your child has, the more he’ll crave for processed foods. Kids naturally have a preference for sweet stuff.

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