8 Natural Home Remedies To Remove Sun Tan

Potato juice : It is frequently used to remove dark circles under the eyes. Apart from being naturally relaxing, it is also a powerful whitening agent. To get rid of a tan.

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Lemon juice and honey: Fresh lemon juice should be applied to the skin with honey. It should be allowed to sit for 30 minutes before being washed away.

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Bengal gramme flour : Bengal gramme flour efficiently lightens skin. A thin paste of Bengal gramme flour should be prepared by mixing one tablespoon of each ingredient with water or milk.

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Honey and papaya : Natural enzymes found in papaya offer skin bleaching and exfoliating capabilities. Honey, on the other hand, is a natural moisturiser and skin conditioner.

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Masoor dal, tomato, and aloe vera: Masoor dal is a good treatment for sunburn. Tomato juice illuminates the skin, while aloe vera calms and hydrates it.

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Cucumber extract : Cucumber is extremely good for tanned and sunburned skin. It has a cooling effect and can help remove tan from the face and other areas.

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