The Best Superfoods For Women’s Health

Kale: This superfood is a great addition to any women’s diet plan for weight loss as it is nutrient-rich but low on unwanted calories.

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Blueberries : The colour of these berries comes from a compound called Anthocyanidin. This compound is responsible for all the potent health benefits of blueberries.

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Broccoli :  All cruciferous vegetables like Broccoli and cauliflower work wonder for women.broccoli is rich in a compound called sulforaphane which prevents the formation of cancerous cells.

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Beets: These ruby red vegetables are most effective in reducing blood pressure. beetroot is the best juice for health.

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Turmeric :  An important ingredient in Eastern medicine, just adding a few teaspoons of turmeric to your food makes for a very healthy diet for women.

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Best Leafy Green Vegetables For Weight Loss