Best Leafy Green Vegetables For Weight Loss

eet Greens : It has been since the middle ages that beetroot made an inlay to our cuisines. We often eat the red portion of the beetroot and leave the leaves.

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Bok Choy : A member of the cabbage family, bok choy is good for stir-frys, salads, soup or as a quick side dish.

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Cabbage : Cabbage can very well be fermented and turned into Sauerkraut. Sauerkraut has a lot of nutritious benefits. It helps you to improve digestion and aids in weight loss.

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Spinach : Spinach is a great source of leafy green vegetables. It is a great leafy vegetable for burning belly fat and has a high nutrition profile as well.

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Lettuce :Lettuce is the annual harvest of the aster family. Most lettuce families are eaten fresh and work as a base of green salads.

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Kale : This leafy green is an extremely weight-loss-friendly food and a lot of people include it in their detox juices. Kale is rich in nutrients.

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