Healthy Dessert Options Post Dinner

Cottage Cheese with fruit : Add a drizzle of honey if you would like it to be a little sweeter.

Image source: pinterest

Nutella Stuffed Strawberries : Stuff cored strawberries with Nutella and enjoy.

Image source: pinterest

Dark Chocolate Pieces : 70% or higher is how you get the most health benefits.

Image source: pinterest

Berries with Nut Butter : Nuke for 20-30 seconds and it’s like pie filling.

Image source: pinterest

Magic Shell Banana Bites: rozen banana in chocolate it will freeze immediately so you can enjoy!

Image source: pinterest

Baked Nut Butter Apples : Core an apple, plug the whole with oatmeal, spoon in your favorite nut or seed butter.

Image source: pinterest

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