How to take care of your nails at home

CLEAN YOUR NAILS : Always you have to clean the nails and skin around it. it can damage the nail.

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CLIP YOUR NAILS : Regular trims are essential in order to avoid certain conditions.

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FILE YOUR NAILS : Always file the nails in one direction slowly and gently to ensure to smooth away rough edges.

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APPLY THE BASE COAT : Before applying the nail polish as it protects the natural nail plate. It is like a sunscreen for your nails.

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NAIL POLISH : Apply the nail polish avoiding the staining of the cuticle. Make sure to use nail polishes which are free from toxic chemicals like dibutyl phthalate.

Image source : Google

MOISTURIZE YOUR HAND : moisturizer provide deep nourishment to your skin and cuticle. This helps in avoiding the hangnail.

Image source : Google

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