Top 10 tips to be healthy in Monsoon season

Drink Boiled Water : drink only clean and safe drinking water. Boiling water at home can be the best way to get rid of such diseases.

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Consume Dairy Products : These products will help in improving the digestion and keeping you healthy.

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Include Herbal Teas: it is time to switch to the herbal teas instead of the normal one to ensure better health.

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Be Careful while Choosing Fruits : However, in rainy season, it is good to avoid specific fruits like watermelon.

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Stay Away from Spicy Food: If you crave for the spicy foods, monsoon is the time when you need to restrict yourself from having it.

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Avoid Stagnant Water: The stagnant water from the rain can cause severe diseases and therefore, you need to avoid it.

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Use Mosquito Repellant: Mosquito repellents are a must during this time.

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